Gmail Email IssuesGmail Email Issues A number of people may have placed orders over the past several months, and not received an Order Confirmation for what they had ordered, if they used a Gmail Email Services email address for sign up. Additionally, customers may not have been able to to reset their password if the email address used for their BNM Hobbies account, was setup to use a Gmail Email Services account, and were not able to receive the email providing them with the reset information. When I make changes to the WEB site, I always make sure that things are working with some of my test accounts, and I was using an email address to test this, which has always worked and assumed that it was still working across the board, this wasn't the case. I recently noticed that email notifications were bouncing to Gmail users, in far greater numbers due to a WEB Site policy issue. As of August 6th, 2023, I worked to get the Policy modified, and email notifications to Gmail Email Services is now working again. I appreciate your patience while I worked to get this issue diagnosed, and policy resolved. Best Regards James Koretsky |